Akaroa Exquisite King Salmon

Most closest to Wild King Salmon


From the cold, clear waters of Southern New Zealand, comes Akaroa King Salmon. This small, family owned operation was started by a local farmer named Tom Bates, one of the pioneers of salmon farming in New Zealand. After spending much time searching for the perfect location, he decided upon Lucas Bay in the town of Akaroa. This bay has the perfect combination of pristine water and strong currents. The farm is now run by Tom’s son Duncan, who is truly dedicated to producing the finest quality salmon.

「阿卡羅帝王鮭魚」來自於紐西蘭南島東海岸的寒冷乾淨水域;這個精品式的小農主要是家族式經營,第一代的經營者叫做”湯姆貝茲-Tom Bates”,老貝茲先生是紐西蘭養殖帝王鮭魚的開路先鋒之一,他經過不斷嘗試尋找最佳的養殖地點後,最後決定選擇在南島盧卡斯灣的阿卡羅鎮(Akaroa)來養殖,盧卡斯灣擁有”最純淨無污染的海水與強勁潮汐海流”的結合,這是養殖帝王鮭魚的絕佳地點;目前這個養殖場主要是由他的兒子”鄧肯貝茲- Duncan Bates” 在經營,他誓言要養殖出全世界最棒的「帝王鮭魚-Chinook Salmon 」,這個誓言現在已經實現了,目前已成為紐西蘭代表性餐廳主廚最愛採用的海鮮食材了!

Based on their small scale and geographical location, Akaroa is the only King Salmon producer in New Zealand that can harvest, process and distribute on the same day, often within hours of harvest.


Akaroa Salmon is a reflection of its environment, and we do everything possible to maintainand protect the ocean.